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Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:58 am
by SYmywa

Re: MisSY

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:58 pm
by SYmywa
Good Morning, ;)


Spotted a beak/tail protruding past the T-8 perch tower, (last rainy
Wed.), an hour later it lifted and attempted/failed entering SREH on
all three houses, that evening it left our site.

A change was needed!!!
Thur. morning I made a brkt. and hung the new TVG (won at MFest.) to
the front of the T-8. An hr. later Lori called to say MisSY returned and
easly entered the gourd!

While installing grip strips to porch's and before re-raising the T-8, I was
buzzed and reminded who's turf I had entered! (first audible sound)

For a young bird at a new site, MisSY seems very content /w rising
around 7 AM, preening, hunting /w the TS, (even in the rain) but no singing!

Sunday after the rain stopped she hunted, preened, than lifted and made a
beeline S. over the woods, hum! leaving or lonesome?

Mon. morning she was spotted preening atop the TRIO (mod.) and further observation
caught a shadow leaving the single house hanging below.

The Saga of MisSY continues-

MisSY's new found friend, who may be a sister, departed
our site on Tue evening, but returns for visit's fairly often.
In fact I played Dawn Song/Daytime Chatter and it reappeared in
less than 10 min. but after checking houses and a short visit, it
left again. :roll:

To add to the mystery, each time #2 visits, MisSY might socialize or fly around
briefly, than lands and scrambles into her compartment on the T-8!???
While #2 sits by the entrance asking questions? than leaves.

NOTE! while playing DS, both PM seemed exited and were busy circling and
checking the houses, but I played it again yesterday and MisSY just flew up
to the tv antenna above our house and sat relaxing/preening.

A couple times, while working around the yard, MisSy flew over and circled me,
as if to say HI!

Anyone else noticing a shortage of Male PM this year or PM in general :?:

It's day 17 and counting, MisSY is holding dn. her compartment in the T-8.
Her partner(SY-f) #2? has claimed a compartment in the old Trio(mod).
Most days they can be seen stretching and preening between 6-9 am. than
a trip around the site to see what everyone's up to, than off hunting /w the
T.S. Nothing too eventful until last Sunday afternoon=

When 4 SY's appeared out of nowhere and began inspecting every compartment
and gourd on site, it was mayhem for around 20 min. and than they were gone and
than they returned and started all over again, when the flurry of feathers and the
dust settled, there was MisSY resting by her compartment /w someone else perched
beside her.! :?:
(I was standing in the middle of the yard thru all this, still don't know if I remembered to breath?)

Now! We have a dilema, either MisSY has been replaced or she sprouted
3 spots on the chest!?

Day 25 and It still occupies a compartment in the T-8, occasionally enters other compartments
and gourds, gathers up a friend,(from somewhere?) has company drop-in and hangs out
and hunts /w the TS.
But! seems to spend longer periods gone, (associating /w other PM?)
Yesterday after lunch 3 SY-M,? stopped by for a visit and all 4 later left.

Anyone else noticing SY-M (single young bachelors) hangin around :?:

Day 28, I was working around the shop, all of a sudden there was a ruckus
coming from the direction of the Single Bungalow and there sat MRsy on the
porch, shouting some "PM slang" at a group of TS that had gathered for an apparent
Meeting of the Minds, which lasted all of 2 minutes, when they scattered and MRsy
vanished and hasn't been seen since!

Will he gather a mate and return for propagation this year?
For spring 2015 :?:

BB abandoned first nest /w eggs!


Was out checking the raspberry patch, when i heard a vocalization coming from the Trio House,
and there about 30' away was a brand new-MisSY, light breast, no visible dark feathers. Well,
as it happened, a pair of TS had been checking out the same house,(first time seriously) so when
they spotted MisSY doing likewise, the entire TS colony moved in and drove her to the ground, for
a couple seconds, there she was on her back, feet in the air. Than she lifted and settled back on the
Trio for a minute and left our site. Next day she was seen checking compartments on the T-8.
She spent 5 days hanging around our site, had 1 visitor during that time, than left to the N.E. never
to be seen again.
This was the sum of P.M. activity at our and 3 other sites I monitor :?

Positive note!
I recently visited a client S. OF T.R.F. to help on a project and "low n behold" there was a home built
P.M. house /w slightly over-sized SREH /w winch and 8 compartments. This house was raised in spring
2014 and occupied by 2 pr. in may 2015 :D
MARVEL-IS and best of luck to him, he spoke of raising a 2nd house!
Will be staying in touch!