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Orioles have landed in Larimore

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:25 am
by Caroline
Normally I hear the Baltimore Orioles arrive before I see them, but today was different. I was in my perch at the front window, yakking on the phone and drinking hot tea when I glanced up and saw a beautiful oriole on the nectar feeder.

I had just emptied and cleaned it, so it was ready for him.

I quickly filled the jelly feeder and set out an orange.

I have the large feeder ready to hang; Wes altered it for me by adding more suitable perches, so as soon as I fill the jelly cups and impale the oranges it will go up in the feeder tree.

The martins are not amused with the cold wind.

Since the orioles are here, the rose breasted gross beaks can't be far behind. I hung a platform type feeder from the tree, and filled it with black oil sunflower seed. They'll be happy!

This is an old photo, but the feeders and birds are the same. I've not gotten a photo for this season yet.


Re: Orioles have landed in Larimore

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 8:09 pm
by SYmywa

Spring's in the air :!:
RB Grosbeak, no Orioles or wrens here yet.
Dial down wind n Sun up please.

Pic is suitable for framing :)

Lucky Birds